Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hiking the Hills of Budapest

Hey guys!

The week has been good so far and p-day last week was super fun! We went for a great hike, and I will include some pictures too! It was really cool because Hungary really doesn't have a whole lot of hiking opportunities. But it actually didn't take too long to get out to the mountains (hills). They are right next to the city. The weather here is still pretty nice and getting nicer. I'm just about ready for spring in full, but it has been taking it's time. I've still been wearing my winter coat around, but hoping to shed that pretty soon and enjoy the nice weather coming up! 
With the office work our time for daily studies and exercise is different. We go into the office at 8:30, so we have a little time for some of that study, but really not a whole lot, so it has been kind of tough adjusting, but we basically have a part time job along with normal missionary work, which really hasn't been too bad. I'm still liking it so far! 
As far as the missionary work, one family that we teach came to church last week so that was pretty cool! They are super awesome so we are excited about them. Other than that, things have just kind of been going along as normal. Today we are going to meet up with the APs and make a little bonfire somewhere and cook some hot dogs and s'mores. So should be a good day!!! 

Love you all lots and hope you have an awesome week!

Hiking Pictures from last P-day 

Priest and I went down that little crevice there. It seemed like a good way down until we reached there, and there was no going back up. So we kind of just climbed straight down a cliff, the pic doesn't really do it justice, but the sign says: "Dangerous, falling rocks, forbidden to cross" So it was an adventure.  I felt like a hobbit walking through middle earth! 

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