Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Summer in KIspest

Sorry that I haven't been as great about making blog posts the past couple of weeks, and no promises that this one is going to be much better than nothing, because I still don't have a lot of time, but everything is still great out here in the nagy falu of Budapest! Really, the work is just going really well out here. We have a good number of programs, and have found a few pretty cool people as well! We also had yet ANOTHER crazy storm. This wasn’t quite as bad as the first one of the transfer, there wasn't a ton of lightning, but literally just crazy down pours. The roads were totally flooded and we got soaked and we were totally drenched coming home, wading through water calf high on the street. So that was fun, and luckily everything was actually dry in our apartment, despite having only a blanket for one of our windows. 
 Things are going well with all the people that we are meeting with.  We met a few new people. There was this one family that we met eating ice cream on the steps of the branch house that we talked to and they invited us over for dinner sometime in September, so that was really cool. And we met some people tracting and streeting and what not, but one thing, is that for about ever 50 potentials,  we maybe meet with one, and if they end up being legit, that is really a miracle. but things are going really well with the work actually. We had this really sweet old Catholic lady come to church this week which was good, and this one family that we are meeting with, the daughter, about age 17 is really considering baptism, and we're hoping the rest of her family can start thinking about it seriously as well. We have a few more people that are working towards baptism, which would be super great!
For P day we had a lot of programs and stuff, but when we had free time, we just went around town a little bit seeing some sites.   I have basically seen all the good sites by this point, but I still get amazed every time I walk past the parliament building even though that's just an everyday sight for us now.   Hope that you all are doing well back home and surviving the summer months better than I am out here. Miss you all and hope you have a great week! 


Elder Dalton

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